It’s always important to remember that when you build on your property, things around a new build can be affected in some unexpected ways. In this case, the contractor was totally focused on just the garage and the client got what he hired his contractor to do … but the surrounding area didn’t line up with or compliment the new build in a practical way.
Establishing a complimentary grade is just as important as establishing level and plumb.
Once this new garage was built, the original sidewalk grade ended up being higher than the footing cut for the man door on the new garage resulting in negative drainage into the man door.
In order to fix this we had to cut the grade in order to provide positive drainage out of the garage. Also it was important to cover the unfinished footing.
We also gave the patio in the back a 3 1/2 inch concrete overlay with a new broad step up from the sidewalk on to the patio just to make it all blend.